Special Issue on Springer – Photosynthesis Research

Special Issue on Springer – Photosynthesis Research

Do you work with computational tools that have been or could be a boost to the research in Photosynthesis?
Submit your article to the first special issue entirely dedicated to “Quantum and classical computational methods in photosynthesis: from the atom to the mesoscale“.

In line with the ComPhot2021 meeting, the aim of this special issue is to explain cutting edge computational methodologies to a broader audience and in an accessible way. The invited manuscript may be minireviews, tutorial reviews, perspectives, or original research articles.

Link for submission: https://www.springer.com/journal/11120/updates/19937614
Deadline for the submission: 30th April 2022.

Submission closed.

Special issue link: https://link.springer.com/collections/dbcchgiidc

For info, write to the guest editors:
Lorenzo Cupellini (lorenzo.cupellini@unipi.it) and Nicoletta Liguori (n.liguori@vu.nl).

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